🇬🇧英國 NAIM NAPSC 電源供應器


NAPSC 電源供應器可搭配幾種:NAIM 前級 NAC 282 / NAIM 前級 NAC 202 / NAIM 耳擴 HeadLine

貨號: naim-napsc 分類:


  • 輸出功率:18V
  • 尺寸:100~120V,220~240V,50或60Hz
  • 可搭配幾種:NAIM 前級 NAC 282 / NAIM 前級 NAC 202 / NAIM 耳擴 HeadLine

一般來說,這台小型的 NAPSC 電源供應器是配合著 NAIM 的旗艦前級 NAC 282 一起賣的。但是如果您用的是 NAIM 排行老二的前級 NAC 202 或耳擴 HeadLine,也能用它來升級您的系統,其提升聲音的表現幅度與背景的純淨度,會讓喜歡音樂的你我為之汗顏。

The compact NAPSC comes as standard with the NAC 282 preamplifier and it can also be used as an upgrade for the NAC 202 or to power the HeadLineheadphone amplifier. It’s a small but important link in the chain in extracting the highest levels of musical performance from these hi-fi components.

Technology & Craft

Controlling the power supply element of the system has been a mainstay of Naim engineering since the early days. Just as paying close attention to every detail in design – no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may seem – is one of the ways in which we ensure high quality musical performance.

The NAPSC power supply is an example of this philosophy in action. It comes as standard with the NAC 282 preamplifier, supplying smooth low-noise power for the digital circuitry, leaving the preamp to concentrate on doing its main job of managing the signal. When paired with the NAC 202 it does the same job by upgrading the existing internal power supply section to remove the electrically noisy work from the box entirely. In both applications this attention to detail reaps rewards in improved musical clarity and reduced noise.



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